Glossary of Abbreviations & Acronyms
Glossary of Abbreviations & Acronyms
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Glossary of Abbreviations & Acronyms
Acronym | Definition | References |
AED | Allied Educator | |
AES | Aesthetics (Art & Crafts, Music, Performing Arts) | |
AL | Achievement Level | |
ALP | Applied Learning Programme | |
ASM | Assembly | |
AYH | Assistant Year Head | |
CCA | Co-Curricular Activities | |
CCE | Character & Citizenship Education | |
CDAC | Chinese Development Assistance Council | CDAC |
CDP | Character Development Programme | |
CL | Chinese Language | |
CNY | Chinese New Year | |
CTLE | Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence | |
DOE | Desired Outcomes of Education | DOE (MOE) |
DSA | Direct School Admission | DSA (MOE) |
ECG | Education and Career Guidance | |
EL | English Language | |
EYE | End of Year Exam | |
FAS | Financial Assistance Scheme | FAS (MOE) |
FCL | Foundation Chinese Language | |
FEL | Foundation English Language | |
FMA | Foundation Mathematics | |
FML | Foundation Malay Language | |
FMT | Foundation Mother Tongue | |
FSC | Foundation Science | |
FT | Form Teacher | |
FTL | Foundation Tamil Language | |
FTGP | Form Teacher Guidance Period | |
GEP | Gifted Education Programme | |
HA | Holistic Assessment | |
HBL | Home Based Learning | |
HCL | Higher Chinese Language | |
HE | Health Education | |
HML | Higher Malay Language | |
HMT | Higher Mother Tongue | |
HOD | Head of Department | |
HTL | Higher Tamil Language | |
ICAS | International Competitions & Assessments for Schools | ICAS |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology | |
LBS | Learning & Behavioural Support | |
LC | Listening Comprehension | |
LH | Level Head | |
LJ | Learning Journey | |
LLP | Learning for Life Programme | |
LP | Lower Primary (Primary 1 & Primary 2) | |
LSM | Learning Support for Mathematics | Learning Support (MOE) |
LSP | Learning Support Programme | Learning Support (MOE) |
LT | Lead Teacher | |
MA | Mathematics | |
ML | Malay Language | |
MP | Middle Primary (Primary 3 & Primary 4) | |
MPS | Meet the Parents Session | |
MTL | Mother Tongue Languages | |
MTSP | Mother Tongue Support Programme | Learning Support (MOE) |
MTT | Master Teacher | |
MU | Music | |
MYE | Mid-year Exam | |
NAPFA | National Physical Fitness Award | |
NASA | No-After-School-Activities | |
NE | National Education | |
NLB | National Library Board | |
NTIL | Non-Tamil Indian Language | |
NTPS | New Town Primary School | |
OLE | Outdoor Learning Experience | |
P1 | Primary 1 | |
P2 | Primary 2 | |
P3 | Primary 3 | |
P4 | Primary 4 | |
P5 | Primary 5 | |
P6 | Primary 6 | |
PAL | Programme for Active Learning | |
PAM | Physical Education, Art and Music Education | |
PE | Physical Education | |
PERI | Primary Education Review and Implementation | |
PG | Parents Gateway | |
PIRLS | Progress in International Reading Literacy Study | |
PSG | Parents Support Group | |
PSLE | Primary School Leaving Examination | PSLE Information (SEAB) |
QAR | Question-Answer Relationship | |
SC | Science | |
SBB | Subject-Based Banding | |
SCC | Student Care Centre | |
SEAB | Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board | SEAB |
Sec | Secondary | |
SEd | Sexuality Education | |
SEL | Social and Emotional Learning | |
SEN | Special Educational Needs | |
SH | Subject Head | |
SM | Student Management | |
SLS | Student Learning Space | SLS link |
SS | Social Studies | |
SSD | School Staff Developer | |
ST | Senior Teacher | |
STELLAR | Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading | |
SWO | Student Welfare Officer | |
TL | Tamil Language | |
T/L | Teaching & Learning | |
UP | Upper Primary (Primary 5 & Primary 6) | |
VIA | Values in Action | |
VP | Vice Principal | |
WA | Weighted Assessment | |
YH | Year Head | |
21CC | 21st Century Competencies | 21CC (MOE) |